Saturday, August 20, 2016

Quarter Life Crisis

A lot is changing in the next couple of weeks.  I am turning 20 years old, starting my junior year at Towson, and moving in with my first "real" roommate.  Some of my friends are graduating, moving, and getting married.

I think I am having a quarter life crisis.

I mean really! I am half way done with college.  What is next? I am a planner.  My agenda is my bible and I need to know when and where everything in my life is happening.  The idea that in two years, I have no idea where I will be or what I will be doing is scary.  By scary, I mean anxiety provoking-night mare scary.

Over the past few weeks, I have been trying to picture my post-grad life.  It's a hard thing to plan because there are so many possibilities!  I will be a broke 22 year old with a cat.  Hypothetically, me and Cookie could go anywhere!  Texas, Hawaii, Italy, you name it! We could be traveling the country in a tiny house attached to a F-350!  But realistically... that's a whole other ball game.

Everyone tells recent grads to move back home and save money.  I, being an independent hard head, have always scoffed at the idea of moving back in with my parents for a year or two.  (sorry mom and dad) But, I think they are right.  I think I can tough it out a year back in my childhood room to save up for the rest of my life.  I think about it as an "independence investment".  Give up my independence for a year to gain the ability to fly the coop.
So there, year one is planned (kinda)

I have always wanted to live in the south.  I will take dirt roads over a concrete jungle any day! When my family and I visited Tennessee last January, I fell in love.  We stayed in Nashville and I liked the city just fine but could not see myself living there, too much concrete.  One day, we visited Williamson county which is 30 minutes south of the city.  We went to the historic district of Franklin and I felt at home.  I don't really know how to explain why or how I felt this way, but it was effortless and I knew that I wanted to live there some day. There is a recurring theme in my life of fast decision making.  I make decisions very quickly and I never go back on them.  When I pick something, that is my choice and 9 times out of 10 it is the right choice.  So, in three or four years, I hope to move to Williamson County, Tennessee with Cookie and buy a cute little house to fix up and call home for years to come.  I know that the end goal will take a lot of commitment and funding but I can do it.  It will definitely be hard leaving the town that I have called home for the past 19 years but I know it is worth it.

Now that I have the next couple years planned out, I can take a deep breath before my junior year starts.  I know now that I have to focus on my goal and save every penny I can so hopefully in a few years I can read this post sitting on my porch in Tennessee sippin on a cup of coffee.
Stay tuned for how my crisis unfolds! :)

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