Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Full Circle

It is always the unexpected moments with unexpected people that change your view on things.  Life seems to get you when you least expect it. 

Across the roar of a craft fair I hear, "Excuse me... What does the arrow mean?"

At first, I looked around to see who this woman was speaking too.  There was no one behind me or beside me that seemed to respond.  Then I realized she was staring right at me.  I walked over to her booth as she said, "Your arrow.  What does it signify?" 

"Ohhhh" I thought as I realized she was pointing to my tattoo of an arrow on my wrist.  (Sometimes I forget it's there because I've had it so long)  "Um" I stuttered, dreading the process of explaining myself to this stranger.  "Basically it signifies that you must be pulled back before being shot forward, kinda like an arrow being drawn." I explained, "In high school, I..."

"No need to explain your hardships.  Was that when you were being pulled back?"  She interrupted.  I nodded.  "Well then that's all I need to know.  No need to linger in the negativity.  And I'm hoping right now you are shooting forward."  She said in a sort of question.  

"Yes Ma'am.  I just moved to Tennessee last week and I am definitely shooting forward."  I answered as she scurried around her booth to hug me and welcome me to town.

I had never thought of it like that.  I got my arrow tattoo four years ago to signify the closure to a difficult part of my life.  I never thought it's meaning would find me again.  But here I am, four years later, sitting on the balcony of my new apartment, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I am in fact being shot forward.  I have come full circle and accomplished my dreams as I work hard to start a new chapter in my life. 
So again, my arrow tattoo becomes a daily reminder that there are hard times in every decision.  Obstacles are in place to make you stronger and smarter.  No one is perfect.  But hunny, buckle your seatbelt because you are about to be shot forward.  Enjoy the ride.